How to Combat Ageism in the Workplace

Ageism in the Workplace | FranchiseCoach

In the ever-evolving world of work, ageism in the workplace stands as a silent, often overlooked form of discrimination. It slips into hiring decisions, promotion considerations, and daily interactions, casting a devastating shadow over the careers and well-being of many.

This subtle yet pervasive form of discrimination, often unnoticed, can create a hostile work environment, diminishing the value of experience and wisdom that comes with age.

This article explores the insidious nature of ageism, its intersectionality with race and gender, and the strategic actions to combat it. We delve into the depths of this problem, highlighting how it manifests in various workplace scenarios and its implications on the affected individuals.

We also delve into potential strategies to combat ageism, particularly focusing on the option of becoming a franchisee.

Key Takeaways

Understanding Ageism: Definition and Impact

Ageism in the Workplace Meaning | FranchiseCoach

Ageism, at its heart, is a widespread problem of discrimination based on age, influencing both the youngest and oldest workers in various workplaces. 

This type of workplace discrimination goes beyond the blatant disregard for skills and experience. It infiltrates the psyche, affecting the physical and mental health of those experiencing discrimination, curbing their job opportunities, and cultivating a negative workplace culture.

The complexities of ageism are further intensified by the factors of race and gender. People of color, particularly, and women, more often than their younger counterparts, find themselves on the receiving end of and experience age discrimination and bias. 

Despite the prevalence of age-based discrimination, only 8 percent of diversity and inclusion programs include age as a core component. We can—and must—do better to combat ageism.

Legal Framework for Addressing Age Discrimination

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), a crucial legislation, bans age discrimination against employees aged 40 and above across all employment arenas.

However, its protection does not extend to younger workers or independent contractors, and military personnel. It is here that state laws step in to fill the gap, protecting older Americans from age discrimination in a place of work.

Despite these legal frameworks, ageism in the workplace persists, often veiled by subjectivity and bias. Recognizing the legal limitations and striving to fill these gaps at an organizational level becomes a necessity.

Identifying Ageism in the Workplace

Identifying Ageism in the Workplace | FranchisCoach

The initial step in fighting age discrimination lies in its identification. Age discrimination can manifest in several ways—from biased hiring practices to unequal treatment of younger employees and exclusion based on stereotypes.

We’ll explore these further.

Biased Hiring Practices

Age discrimination can appear subtly during hiring. Hiring managers might make job search to favor younger applicants, consider older ones as ‘overqualified,’ or create job descriptions that discourage older individuals from applying.

Unequal Treatment of Employees

Once hired, older employees may face unequal treatment. They might be overlooked for promotions, isolated from challenging work assignments, or forced into early retirement. These practices deprive organizations of valuable experience and expertise.

Stereotypes and Exclusion

Ageist stereotypes and exclusionary practices amplify age discrimination. Comments or insults based on a person of age, exclusion from meetings and decisions, or assignment to remote work can all be forms of age discrimination.

It’s no shock that such discrimination results in mental health issues. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 6.3 million cases of depression worldwide are believed to be a direct result of ageism.

4 Effective Strategies for Combating Ageism

The question arises, how can we fight ageism in the workplace? The solution can be found in promoting age diversity, using older workers, fostering intergenerational collaboration, and tackling age bias in decision-making processes. We’ll examine these strategies more closely.

1. Promoting Age Diversity

Ageism in the Workplace (Promoting Age Diversity) |FranchiseCoach - 5

Fostering age diversity involves a unified effort from every member of an organization. The establishment of inclusive policies and environments that foster a sense of belonging for all employees is crucial.

Employers can recognize competencies across different age groups by:

These steps play a significant role in creating a diverse and inclusive workplace and promoting age diversity.

2. Encouraging Intergenerational Collaboration

Intergenerational collaboration creates a setting that allows for the utilization of distinct skills and viewpoints of various age groups, including each specific age group. It helps to create more dynamic teams and can dispel age-related biases through mutual understanding and respect.

Organizations can promote such collaboration through the establishment of multigenerational committees, mixed-age teams, and fostering collaboration across different departments. Enhanced employee collaboration and cross-generational mentorship allow teams to leverage their varied experiences to discover inventive solutions and create avenues for employees to collectively enhance their skills.

3. Addressing Age Bias in Decision-Making

Age bias in decision-making can discreetly permeate numerous areas of the workplace, ranging from recruitment processes to daily communications.

The eradication of biased language, the assurance of fair treatment, and the cultivation of a culture of respect for all ages, including those within the same age group, are all crucial in addressing this issue.

Organizations can address age bias by:

These steps can help prevent age discrimination and combat age bias.

4. Becoming a Franchisee

In addition to the strategies mentioned above, another powerful way to combat ageism in the workplace is by considering the path of becoming a franchisee. This alternative empowers individuals of all ages to step into entrepreneurship, breaking free from the constraints of age-related biases often present in traditional employment structures.

Becoming a franchisee allows individuals of retirement age to leverage their skills and experiences, charting their own course without the limitations imposed by age discrimination.

By embracing a franchise model, individuals can create their own business opportunities, independent of the age-related prejudices that may exist in hiring processes. This avenue not only provides a pathway for personal and professional fulfillment but also contributes to reshaping the narrative around age and career opportunities.

Impact of Owning a Franchise

Impact of Owning a Franchisee | FranchiseCoach

Owning a franchise can have a profound impact on various social skills and aspects of your life, and for someone who has faced ageism in their career, becoming a successful franchise owner can be a transformative experience. Here’s how owning a franchise can positively affect your life and address the challenges of age discrimination:

Enhancing Self-Worth and Personal Reputation:

Battling ageism often entails showcasing one’s abilities and worth. Running a successful franchise serves as concrete proof of your aptitude and tenacity.

Attaining success as an entrepreneur can boost your self-worth, improving your personal reputation. The admiration gained surpasses monetary rewards, offering a compelling counter to age-related prejudices.

Acknowledgment and Respect:

Older workers might often feel as though they are not appreciated or are ignored. Being a franchise owner places you in a leadership role, earning respect from peers in your industry and community.

Receiving accolades such as “Franchisee of the Year” not only affirms your hard work but also acts as a symbol of acknowledgment. It becomes a source of pride, defying age-related stereotypes and highlighting your accomplishments.

Financial Independence and Lifestyle Flexibility:

Ageism in the workplace can limit the career progression of seasoned professionals, affecting their financial stability. Running a successful franchise creates opportunities for financial independence and lifestyle flexibility.

The financial prosperity of a franchise empowers you to decide how you utilize your time. This newfound liberty can be particularly invigorating for those who have encountered hurdles due to ageism, offering an opportunity to invest time and resources into personal hobbies or even exploring new entrepreneurial ventures.

Schedule Flexibility and Leisure:

Age discrimination may obstruct the enjoyment of work and personal life. Owning a franchise that provides schedule flexibility can be a game-changer for older individuals.

Successful franchise owners can control their own schedules, permitting them to relish the rewards of their hard work. This flexibility becomes a valuable advantage, enabling individuals to spend quality time with loved ones, pursue personal hobbies, or explore other business prospects.

Motivation for Others:

Ageism in the workplace often deters individuals from aiming for higher career aspirations. Owning a franchise and achieving success serves as a motivation.

Being recognized in your industry and community not only shatters age-related stereotypes but also motivates others facing similar obstacles. Your journey becomes a testament to the potential of attaining high-performance success irrespective of age.


Ageism is an under-addressed issue that permeates every facet of our workplaces. From discriminatory hiring practices to unequal treatment and exclusion, its impacts are far-reaching and detrimental.

Organizations and companies should combat ageism by promoting age diversity, fostering intergenerational collaboration, addressing age bias in decision-making, and recognizing the potential of franchise ownership.

Owning a franchise can empower individuals to independently navigate their entrepreneurial journey, enhancing self-esteem and personal branding.

Successful franchisees enjoy financial freedom and time flexibility, inspiring others to strive for high-performance success irrespective of age. This reshapes the narrative around age and careers, fostering inclusivity and redefining success in the face of ageism.

If you believe that embarking on a franchise journey could be your escape from ageism in the workplace, don’t hesitate to connect with a franchise expert. They can guide you on this path towards freedom and success.


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